Puppy Teething 101: What Every Dog Owner Needs to Know

Mia Daniele
border collie puppy snuggling with toy

Puppies are adorable, fluffy balls of energy that bring so much joy to our lives. But as they grow, they go through many developmental stages, including teething. Just like human babies, puppies lose their baby teeth and grow their adult teeth, which can be a painful and uncomfortable process for them.

As a pet owner, understanding the timeline and signs of puppy teething is crucial for providing proper care and support during this important stage of their growth. Knowing how long puppies teeth and how you can help them through the teething process can not only improve their health but also strength your bond with your dog.

What Are the Different Stages of Teething?

When growing in their teeth, puppies go through two different developmental stages: the milk teeth stage and the adult teeth stage.

The milk teeth stage is an essential phase in the growth and development of puppies. These tiny teeth are fragile, and it is not uncommon for them to break or chip. Puppies use their milk teeth to chew, bite, and play, which can sometimes lead to unintentional injuries.

As puppies grow, their milk teeth begin to loosen and fall out, making way for their adult teeth. It is vital to monitor your puppies during this process to ensure that the milk teeth are coming out as they should be. In some cases, the milk teeth may not fall out on their own, which may cause adult teeth to grow in incorrectly. If you notice any issues with your puppy's teeth, it is crucial to consult a veterinarian.

The adult teeth stage is the most prolonged phase of puppy teething, and it can be a challenging time for both puppies and their owners. As the adult teeth emerge, the puppy may experience discomfort, pain, and soreness, which can cause behavioral changes like chewing, biting, and whining.

Providing your puppy with a comfortable and safe environment during this time and avoiding any rough activities

that may cause pain will help ease you dog’s pain and make this stage of their life easier. 

two puppies

What Are The Signs Of Puppy Teething?

The signs of puppy teething can vary depending on the individual puppy, but there are a few common indicators that pet owners can look out for.

One of the most common signs of puppy teething is behavioral changes. Puppies may become more irritable, whiny, or restless as their teeth come in, and they may resort to chewing or biting to alleviate discomfort. They may also lose interest in food or become more reluctant to eat due to pain or sensitivity in their gums.

Physical changes are also common during puppy teething. Puppies may drool more than usual, and their gums may appear swollen, red, or sore. They may also experience bleeding or inflammation around the gum line as their adult teeth emerge. It is important to monitor your puppy's physical changes during teething and seek veterinary attention if you notice any severe or persistent issues.

Health concerns can also arise during puppy teething. Puppies may be more susceptible to dental problems, such as tooth decay or gum disease, during this time, making it essential to maintain proper dental hygiene. Additionally, puppies may be at risk of ingesting their milk teeth, which can cause digestive problems if left unchecked.

dog chewing on toy

What Do You Do When Your Dog Is Teething?

There are several ways you can help your puppy through the discomfort and pain of the teething process. 

One of the most important tips is to provide safe chew toys and bones for puppies to chew on. These toys help alleviate discomfort and provide an outlet for their natural chewing instincts. Make sure to choose durable and safe toys to avoid any risk of choking or injury.

Cold compresses can also be an effective way to soothe sore gums. A damp washcloth or a frozen toy can provide temporary relief for puppies during teething. It is important to supervise your puppy during this process to ensure they do not chew on the compress and risk swallowing any parts.

Dental hygiene is also critical during puppy teething. Pet owners should brush their puppies' teeth regularly to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Additionally, providing a healthy diet that includes calcium and other essential nutrients can help support healthy teeth and gum growth.

Finally, providing your puppy with a stimulating environment can help alleviate boredom and prevent destructive behavior. Consider purchasing a pet door that allows your puppy to explore the outdoors and burn off excess energy, which can help prevent boredom and keep your puppy happy and healthy.

Teething is a natural process that all puppies go through, but it can be a challenging time for both puppies and pet owners. By understanding the stages of puppy teething, the signs to look out for, and the top tips for helping a teething puppy, pet owners can provide their furry friends with proper care and support during this critical developmental stage. From safe chew toys and bones to dental hygiene and a stimulating environment, there are many ways to help alleviate discomfort and prevent dental problems during puppy teething. 

With patience, attention, and care, pet owners can help their puppies through the teething process and set them up for a lifetime of good dental health.

Mia Daniele

Written by

Mia Daniele

Copy Editor

Pets: I have a fluffy, 14 year old chow-collie mix with red fur named Rosso. He's very stubborn and has the standoffish personality of a cat.
Fun stuff: I am a hot chocolate connoisseur.

Copy Editor

Pets: I have a fluffy, 14 year old chow-collie mix with red fur named Rosso. He's very stubborn and has the standoffish personality of a cat.
Fun stuff: I am a hot chocolate connoisseur.

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